The design and construction of a swimming pool follow the same administrative process as any other building, housing, etc. projects

Swimming pool construction
The procedures vary from Region to Region, in some cases from Municipality to Municipality: it is therefore advisable to always inquire at the municipal technical office through the appointed designer.
Once the bureaucratic process has been completed, the creative process begins.
You have to choose the location, the overflow system, the shape, the construction system, the depth, the filtration and disinfection system, the accessories, the cladding.
Our technicians can carry out an inspection to help you choose and explain the various construction aspects.
The construction of a swimming pool must follow some important steps, we follow the construction, working alongside designers, construction companies, craftsmen. Upon request, we can also provide a “turnkey” service.
Before construction, we provide detailed information with dimension drawings, system diagrams and technical specifications. All our pools are designed according to current regulations.
Our company is licensed DM 37/2008 Letter D for water and sanitation systems of any nature and species. A qualification basic for those who build swimming pools.
Ask for your quote now.