In the precise moment in which you decide to build an inground swimming pool, a very fascinating journey begins, made up of a thousand variables.
What are the aspects to take into consideration already in the design phase of an inground swimming pool? What are the reference standards? Do I have to submit applications, and to which public authorities? Gardapool will be able to guide you through these choices.
Gardapool collaborates with both public structures and private customers.
The range of our in ground pools includes custom built concrete pools (link to photo), in-ground monobloc fiberglass pools from the Polyfaser company (see catalogue) and stainless steel.
The choice between the various systems is determined by the context of construction, the timing of implementation and the difference in price.
Our in-ground pools are available with both skimmer and overflow overflows (see images). The customer chooses the space he has available on the basis of its actual use and of course also on the basis of the economic investment that best meets his needs.

Skimmer swimming pools
In the first hypothesis, when a pool is built with a skimmer, a simple filtration system is created. The water is sucked up by the skimmer/s, purified through the filter, then reintroduced into the swimming pool.

The pool with overflow, on the other hand, is slightly more complex: the water overflows in an overflow channel, generally through its grid which takes the name "overflow". The water thus collected is deposited in a "compensation" tank, then sucked in thanks to the action of a pump, again purified through the filter and then definitively reintroduced into the delivery pipe.
In any case, each of these two types can be made with multiple variables, both in terms of lining, type of overflow, construction method and accessories available for completion. (Heat pumps, electrolysis salt disinfection, chlorine disinfection, thermal covers, polycarbonate telescopic covers, roller shutters, automatic systems, besgo valves, hydromassage systems, hydromassage beds, air carpets, counter current units, automatic cleaners, hydraulic cleaners, etc.)
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